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Member since 05/2004

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oh, felicia...


You know this picture is really up here for you. I didn't want you to think I was serious all the time just because I'm obsessed with politics right now. I have my fun side.

ellen crush

You look better in that dress than I would.


Sweet N Sassy

Damn if I had it in me I would hate you... You look better in a dress that I do... What can I say other than Flunt it baby flaunt it if you have it and then even if you don't and can pretend!!

Mustang Bobby

Wow! Impressive!

To quote Lanford Wilson, "Anything's possible with a little taste and charm," and I mean that in the best way.





1. Momma told me not to stand that way.

2. Momma never really knew shit!

3. I just don't know if the red shoes went with the outfit. What color was the purse?

4. I hate it when you look better than me! Super Bitch!


...just who exactly said u 'looked good' in a dress!...maybe they were looking at a different picture...

Jaye  Ramsey Sutter

Honey, red shoes go with everything.
You look like Tony Curtis.


Tony Curtis - Bingo! LOL

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