If you're curious, you may go look. One year I had over 50 poinsettias. They're cheap and they work. Huntly prolongs their life by watering them. I'm over them by Epiphany. Generally I give them to Huntly or to his friend, Ronald whose birthday is Twelfth Night, so he always has a holiday party with the traditional hidden bean in a 20-layer cake. I've never known for sure if it was tradition to have a 20-layer cake or if that was just a peculiarity of Ronald's. One of these days I'm going to bring my own bean and falsely claim to be the winner. I'm sure there's something to it besides wearing that stupid little paper crown.
I'm fighting a bronchial crud my brother sent to me via my mother. I do not have time to be sick. I've decided to do a seductive dinner for the CHC#1. He's becoming a real person, so I have to stop doing that. He's now Robert. Unfortunately, I've probably already given it to him. Mother was through Sunday, I saw Robert on Wednesday, I started hacking on Friday. Yep, odds are good that I've already given it to him. I'll call a little later and see. If we've both already got it, I see no reason not to have dinner.
I need to go work on my Christmas music compilation. That may sound easy, but I first have to figure out how to move all my music files from my external hard drive back to my computer's hard drive, or else teach my music program how to find the files on the external hard drive. It's not rocket science, and I usually figure it out, but never quickly.
What an amazing home. I think I could use your flair for decorating in my home.
Nothing soon. The Bar has got me. I am a study fiend. Good thing.
I think I can do it if I keep after it. I can't waste anytime on things not connected to it.
There is a higher calling and more living after the Bar.
Posted by: Jaye | December 06, 2004 at 11:54 PM
I'm never showing you photos of my house. Never. I'll let you see my new leather recliner, but that's it.
Hope you feel better soon.
Posted by: ellen | December 07, 2004 at 05:04 AM
ha, i love it!
Posted by: cbeck | December 10, 2004 at 09:04 AM