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Member since 05/2004

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Ray, I agree with you totally. If these so call wannabes, will talk with and listen to the ones who have lived this life. Grew up in this area and be honest about what they learn. Then print the truth as to what they learned. Then Bravo for them. I will back them 100%. But the odds of that happening is about the same as catching a Redbone eating Squirrel, Rice and Grave with out a baked sweet tater. In other words that ain't gonna happen. Gotta Run, Now where did I leave that sweet tater, Terry


"It's easy to romanticize our history and culture if you don't live in its midst."
Were truer words ever spoken?
This post reminded me of a guy I used to listen to back in the early 70's. Leon Redbone. Yeah even as a kid I had strange tastes in music. I remember going to see him in a coffee house with some of my sister's older friends. I thought I was so cool hanging out with colleg kids and listening to that cool music.


I think I will just go ahead and die. I cannot believe a group of people are going to assemble themselves together for a "redbone" meeting. I have now seen it all.
Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I am sure I will be smilling all week.

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