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Have a safe and wonderful trip!


Have a great time. How clever are you, to plan a getaway during a messy kitchen renovation!

You'll have to confront your loss of Beauregard some time; please know that your friends are here for you when you do.

Piggy and Tazzy

Have a fantastic time babe!

*jealous - Vancouver is my fave place in the world - I first visited Vancouver for Expo in erm... 88 was it? and have loved it ever since*


Happy sailing, my darling friend. I shall kick the Bar Exam's ass for you!


Have fun, and don't bother behaving yourself. :)

"With luck and no surprises, I should have a kitchen by July 23" - I wish you much of the former and none of the latter. And I'll be immensely surprised and jealous if you DO have a new kitchen by July 23!!!


No fair! Your kitchen will be finished before mine AND I'm staying home to, erm, supervise.


I know I said it before, but go, have fun with the Canucks!!! Just don't forget about we humble southerners who love you dearly. Pictures and an ocassional post will suffice.
Love ya ducky!


Have fun, Houston! Don't do anything I wouldn't do:)


I hope you're having fun up there kicking up your cowboy boots!


Hope you're having a great time.. I want to take a trip to the mountains.


I am the driver in the mountains, I won't give anything away since there are many many stories to tell. I am the Canuck that has finally realized the Canadians are not friendly at all - we are just polite - and that is said in the most perfect Louisiana accent possible. Had a wonderful time hosting my American cousin, in the camper van that is apparently a little old..... I had the time of my life Sugah!!!


I see your still off wandering the wilds of the northern territories. I hope your enjoying your respite as much as I am missing you!

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