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New Orleans will rebuild, I have no boubt. Which is pretty cheeky logic on my part. Everyone knew New Yorkers wouldn't let 9-11 keep them down, and they are going to rebuild. But despite all of their money, chutzpah, and good will from outsiders, they are still bickering.

What then will New Orleans look like when it plans to rebuild? That will be a zoo. But you know that, when it looks like it can't get any worse, all of the warring parties will find a nice dark room, send away all of the reporters, and a deal will be reached that will make everyone happy. Then we'll have our Crescent City back.

allie  mcneil

Hi- I just read what you wrote about NOLA- and you must really be hurtin' and worryin'.The City has a Soul- she is wounded- she has History and people that love her and Music ....and the refugees and all of us need Hope that she can Recover ..but right now there are people to be saved...and God bless Texas for stepping up and opening their Hearts and Homes and souls to the Refugees....The whole Gulf will need our hope and prayers for a long time....Take care of yourself- email me if you just need a "verbal"/blogular hug...I will be back to check on you....allie


I have no words. :o(

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