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Member since 05/2004

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I am so glad your cousin and her family are safe. My former boss at the NASA library I worked for in New York moved to New Orleans about twelve years ago. I have not been able to contact him, or find out anything about him. I am very worried about him. I pray he turns up safe somewhere soon.

You take care of yourself, please. Don't get too irate. New Orleans brings back so many horrible memories of September 11 for me, it's like a double whammy. Makes it so very hard to watch on tv, but I do anyway.

Though I was not left homeless ofter 9/11, I still have nightmares and my lingering health problems from the debris I breathed in for so long. I think I really walk a mile in the shoes of the people of New Orleans.


When I read your blog it brings home the REAL PEOPLE... makes the entire devasting event a reality to me all these thousands of miles away.

So glad your family is safe.

Also like the Salvation Army.


A double amen to the Salvation Army, I also prefer them as a place to give money.

A consequence of being at St. Jude is that we've met loads of Louisiana families. I know half a dozen families whose homes will be a total loss.

The most immediate concern is that their local doctors are in New Orleans and they are having difficulty getting their treatments.

The cute little boy in this photo lost his home in Metairie.

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