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There will never be a shortage of idiots, unfortunately.

The only person I have any particular admiration for in all this is Broussard.


You were probably crying with him on Sunday morning when he made the above comment. I know I was. My heart broke for the man.


Broussard is the kind of person that anyone would want on their side. He realizes that trying to rely on the federal government for ANYthing as their first line of defense isn't a wise idea. He didn't like the NO evacuation plan and saw that it wouldn't necessarily work so he took matters into his own hands earlier this summer.

Of all people he saw this coming. He used local buses to evacuate people who couldn't get out on their own. He realizes that the only way to get something done right is to do it yourself.

In comparison, Nagin is a weenie. So is Blanco. So is Bush. I have a problem with Nagin because I truly believe he didn't take the action he knew would be the best thing because covering his ass at that moment was more important than saving lives. He rolled the dice and hoped that things wouldn't be as bad as predicted. He did this to his own people.

The idiocy starts at the top and works its way down. Then you've got millionaire Michael Moore stirring the pot just for the hell of it. I don't see him donating his tax cuts or living among the poor. He is right on some points and has mischaracterized others, but its his motives I question.

Kerry himself is part of the reason Bush got elected. Personally I don't want to associate myself with either one of them, they're both idiots. And Bush keeps getting worse and worse.

Broussard is truly a good guy. I may not agree with him on every issue, but he's got the most important traits I value in somebody-- character and the guts to follow through with what he believes. If he'd been in charge, this wouldn't have happened.


You know what? You can't trust anybody these days, not a one of them. Let's see if Roeper is man enough to admit that he was taken in along with everyone else, and that his "defining media moment of all the hurricane coverage", wasn't. It is an illustration of incompetence and neglect, but the bad guys are the nursing home owners, not the Feds.

I hate this, they're all liars, each and every one of them. Broussard has done good, but it now looks like he's among the liars.

Does your heart still break for him?

I'm pissed. I think I'm going to stop listening to any of the news. Whatever happened to courage and character?

According to this MSNBC video, the woman who Broussard was referring to in his teary outburst was the 92-year old mother of Tom Rodrigue, who was out of town when the hurricane struck. Tom Rodrigue was the one calling on Saturday the 27th trying to get his mom evacuated, not by the feds, but by the local sheriff, according to this CNN interview.

The St. Rita nursing home patients died on August 29, a Monday, according to this Shreveport Times article.

That would have made it impossible for her to be calling him on Tuesday the 30th, wouldn't it?

The situation down there is sad enough without people having to fabricate stuff out of thin air.


Bush can use his full power on the innocent Iraqi people, but then he has no control on natural disasters.

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