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Member since 05/2004

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You have all the right to be angry. Angry at them for their arrogance, for their incompetence.

I, as a non-American, am angry. My fellow humen are suffering and this man and his fellow rich bodies are continuing their comfortable lives.

Somebody should tell them, "if you can't do it, let others do it". Canada has offered help. Canadian army is in standby waiting for the green light to go in. Canada has offered everything. Canad's Prime minister has just asked Bush to name what you need, we will send it right away. Bush has responded that America is not ready to accept help. What the hell does he mean? Peaple are dying and this man continues bullshitting. I just can't believe he is in "charge" of a counrty like the US. I just can't believe his lack of sensitivity. No, I can. As a rich and spolied child, he has never suffered starvation.


Whenever I see Bush, I think of that line from that song... "take that look off your face"


Critics of Bush's hurricane relief efforts support terrorists!!! Or something like that.

I can't wait to see what the Right Wing Rhetoric Machine does with this.


I am beyond furious. I am on a slow burn. I am like Andrew Young said, surprised and yet not surprised. I wonder what else he can fuck up in three years?


I am so sick of hearing "now is not the time..." to be second guessing. "Now is not the time to be pointing fingers". Just when would be a good time to point out these people are freaking failures? They are way in over their heads. "Stay the course" is nothing more than Bushspeak for we don't know what the hell we're doing but we're going to keep right on doing it, because we CAN.
I am so glad to see the msm finally coming out of the closet and stating the obvious. Bush is on his way to being a lame duck (not that he wasn't already a lame ass) President. My one biggest hope is that people remain this angry come election time in 06/08.
Can you believe I actually heard one of the reporters make a comment about Bush's constant 'smirk'? Will wonders never cease.


It's just a mess and I sure hope our citizens remember this when elections come around again. But actually I trust the reporters about as much as I do Bush.


Nagin is at fault also.

I am no fan of Bush, but Nagin had the ability to get thousands of people out of there and he dropped the ball, big time.

Now large numbers of the people we are supposed to be saving are destroying what's left of their own city and shooting at those who are trying to help. The hoodlums in New Orleans are drawing much-needed resources away from other affected areas in the Gulf.

It's a cesspool down there right now, but to place all the blame on Bush is short-sighted. New Orleans had the ability to mitigate at least some of their own problems and neglected to do so.

Bush dropped the ball, but he's far from being alone. I am disgusted beyond words at the whole situation.

Now, I'm hoping they can get their act together and start fixing things. It's going to be a long, long road...

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