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Vestal Vespa

Gah, Barbara Bush is out-Antoinetting Marie Antoinette.

Someone elsewhere said it best- the good people of Texas welcome the refugees of New Orleans! Now, please, do try not to get your poor people smell on everything.


I have a post on Barb [bitch] too. Mine is not nearly as kind as yours.
By the way, the Bush's are NOT representative of true southeners. They are nothing more than carpetbaggers. Faux southerns.
Unfortunately this line, "People who need help don't need respect", IS farily representative of SOME southern attitudes. Thankfully they are in the minority. Southerners are a kind and generous people. They will reach out and help you in anyway the can. They may look down their noses while doing it but they will help. Oddly enough this trait is not exclusive to the well-to-do either. Poor folks in the south can be rather snobby too.

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