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Member since 05/2004

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allie  mcneil

come on over to
we are in agreement as to how badly this is going...atleast 2.5 million people homeless, and people dying in the street and the dome, and the convention center- and he is reading us ice inventories- is he nuts? or drugged? or drunk?


Hell, I am millions of miles away in South Africa and I cannot stand that grin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vestal Vespa

"Some people call you the 'elite.' I call you my base."

Man of the people indeed. Perhaps poor white Southerners who saw their homes swept away by poor planning and budget cuts will finally come to understand that Bush never gave a shit about them at all.

And the fact that Homeland Security should have been involved in storm planning . . . well, shit. They should have done a lot of things. Let's hope and act for big changes in '06. The stakes are high.


What people didn't realize was that BushCo's idea of Homeland Security was making sure their asses were covered in case of another terrorist attack. They didn't count on the next terrorist being the perfect storm. They can convince the sheeple to hate Muslims, but how the hell you gonna convince them to hate Mother Nature?

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