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Member since 05/2004

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Well, we might think about who we're going to elect in 2008. If it was a choice between some organization such as Hamas and a Bush, I know who would get my vote. I get upset that Palestine has been kicked so many times, and that we go over to Iraq and drop bombs because of imaginary WMDs, but Isreal gets away with having weapons they shouldn't and them being in violation of many UN resolutions, but Iraq's violations were pointed at and painted as the most horrible thing ever. I understand what you are saying and agree to a point. I'm betting the change might surprise us. I know it surprised the bush admin. They're already saying they won't make deals with terrorists and using that as an excuse not to pay aid money to Palestine.


Lately I feel like my own life is a constant of building fenses and breaking them down.

Brenda @work

Right on!!

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