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Member since 05/2004

« The Eeww! Part of Growing Old | Main | Speaking of Weird Habits »



Thanks for playing the game, man. Have fun at the concert. (He IS a hunk. I'd embarrass myself too...)


I ♥ you.


Many many people pick their teeth. Go sit in a restraunt and watch. They will use a pen cap, their receipt, doesnt matter.. They do it with out realizing they are doing it.. :)


Okay, busted on that one. I bet I never do it again -- at least not when I think anyone is watching.


So we have nose and teeth picking? LOL

I think you are fab whatever you do!


Those are weird habits? I can't think of even one weird habit I have. I am totally line steppingly normal! :)

Viking Zen

Loved it and did it. Had to laugh at the phone answering- glad you are getting over it, though... ;-)

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