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Member since 05/2004

« Feels Like Home to Me | Main | Finding Religion »



I know, wahhhhhhhhhh; I miss her already.


"We need more laughter..."

I think that's the one thing I miss most since 2000. The laughter. We as a country seem to have forgotten how to laugh. We seldom recognize the humor in life around us. We've become hardened and judgemental. Can people really believe this the kind of world God envisioned when he created man?
To quote a former President, we need a kinder, gentler nation. Yeah, I know he was a republican, but he was one of the 'almost' good guys. To bad he begat that son of his. As to which son, well take your pick.


you are so SWEET. thank you.

i was actually surprised at the outpouring of well-wishes when i left. it really makes me feel great, and i'm grateful.

i'll be back...


You look so young in that new photo; what's your secret?


Honey took that picture of me in Palm Springs, and I like to use a photo of what I look like presently, since my "look" changes almost daily.

As for looking young, the camera has always flattered me. I'll post some additional pictures where I think I look my age, if not older.

Today I feel my age regardless of how I look.


I am a newcomer to Crystal's blog and it's hilarious.

And now she's done.

A day late and a dollar short, that's me...

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