You, too, Trigger, Silver, Flicka, Black Beauty!
Once again, the Bush administration has decided that it doesn't have to follow any law it dislikes. This time it's about horse meat.
"Congress amended an agriculture spending bill last fall to ban using taxpayer funds to inspect horse meat, which would stop horse slaughter in the United States because federal law requires the inspection of all meat.
"But the Department of Agriculture, lobbied by the owners of the plants and their allies in Congress and in the horse and cattle industries, issued new rules last month allowing the plants to keep operating by paying the $350,000 annual cost of the inspections."
"They thwarted the will of Congress," said Rep. Edward "Clueless" Whitfield, R-Ky., one of the bill's chief sponsors. "They were intent on going against what was very clearly the purpose of passing the amendment ... to end horse slaughter."
Hey, Ed! Ask John McCain about the torture amendment. It is this administration's position that it doesn't have to follow any law it disagrees with, or didn't you get the memo from your party leaders?
And guess in which states the horse slaughterers are located? If you said, Texas, you're right. There are three plants in the U.S. that slaughter horses. Two are in Texas, one in Illinois. The customers of slaughtered horse meat are France, Belgium and Japan. In those places, horse meat is just the "other" red meat.
Every fucking day they make me sicker and sicker.
Ding-Dong the Bastard's gone! DeLay quit.
Indictment coming from a federal grand jury soon.
Before or after he cleans out his office?
Posted by: jaye | April 04, 2006 at 03:30 AM
They consume it in Holland too. I refused to eat anything resembling beef while I was there,,just in case ya know.
Posted by: Brenda | April 04, 2006 at 05:12 AM
What makes the difference of slaughtering horses vs cattle? What goes into cat and dog food? I haven't looked at the labels, lately, but I caught my cats neighing and pawing the ground.
Posted by: oldwhitelady | April 08, 2006 at 04:12 PM
Coming from a people who will eat anything (and I do mean anything), there's no difference between horse meat and beef, except in the mind of the eater. This is more about Bush snubbing his nose at the law and Congress than about eating horse meat.
Posted by: Houston | April 08, 2006 at 05:31 PM