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Member since 05/2004

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It's a fact, honey. The worst fights are family fights. If you ever wanted proof that you are all Redbone family, you've got it right here. Outsiders, like me, will look on and shake our heads and not get it. Like in-laws at a nasty Thanksgiving, we outsiders will come away shaking our heads at the convoluted nature of these arguments, their bitterness, and say to ourselves, these folks aren't fighting about anything real! We outsiders haven't lived inside the family to know that the buttons that get pushed most painfully are pushed by the ones who sewed them on. I don't get how can anyone argue that a joyously and sincerely claimed family heritage can be denied for any reason. But then, there's a lot I don't get because I wasn't there to get my buttons pushed, much less sewn on. Screw 'em. You're gay and fabulously so. You're Redbone, and fabulously so. It doesn't have to be a joint enterprise -- experience is better shared but no less valid if solitary.
Screw 'em, I say.

Jillian Xenia

go you !!!
be proud!!!

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