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Member since 05/2004

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Congratulations on your blogoversary. Thanks for keeping me on your blogroll and for your kind comments today, too.

Six years? Wow!


Good for you for keeping at it, Houston. Mine is pretty much moribund, but I can't quite pull the plug on it, know what I mean?


I don't comment on your blogs very often, but I check them one or two times daily. I guess there are a couple of reasons, first I value your imput. I don't always agree, but I do value it. Secondly, I am always trying to find a higher level of thoughts than I am exposed to 15 hours per day. It feels good to read something that has over five words per sentence. You said that you had improved as a writer. Writing as an expressed form is a dying animal. We all need to write more. It is a great way to express our feelings and get our creative juices flowing. I think writing even helps with our mental state. So keep writing and I'll keep reading.



I guess I'm flattered I made your interesting people list.

So how many others on your blogroll are small-minded bigoted gay-hating party-line-toting conservative bible-thumping Republicans?

Or is that just a label you like to lay on me when I disagree with you?

Happy Blogoversary Houston :-)


You are none of those things, although you do know all the theme songs. I chalk that up to the neighborhood you live in.

I know you've gotten me to think more seriously about some of my positions, and I hope I've returned the compliment.

Ricky-Lava (Oh so HOT)!

Hi there Houston. Couldn't resist stepping out of the shadows and into the light to shout from the mountain top a rich, hearty congratulations on your Anniversary! Lot's of love Sugah!

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