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You may wish to watch the scene Michael Moore cut from his SICKO movie?

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Ron Paul 2008!

Lab Kat

Send this chick to me.... I was without insurance for nearly a year because I wasn't employed and I had too many "illnesses" for the insurance bean counters to be comfortable with. I'm still paying doctor and lab bills on what are considered vital, base services, such as a Pap Smear.


Lab Kat, Kathy is a devoted wife, mother and evolved human being. I mean no disrespect to her with my argument. In her comment, she asks one very pertinent question: why do we trust government with such an important topic as providing universal health care? I can understand why many people might have such a negative opinion about the ability of government to provide basic services to the people. After all, the Republicans have been telling everyone how evil and inefficient government is for the past century. By the time Reagan was running for the Presidency, roughly between 1964 and 1980, all the man ever said was how bad government was.

No credit is given to the government for its many successes in transportation, space exploration, education, -- I can go on.

She seems to think that universal health care will somehow deprive her of choice, as if she has choice now. Kathy has no choice when it comes to health plans. I doubt if she could find an insurer in this country that would cover her family.

Some people do not believe that there is enough pie to serve everyone at the table a piece of it. Rather than share the pie with all who hunger, they would restrict who can sit at the table. The problem with that attitude comes when you lose your place at the table.

She's at least partially right in her cynicism in regards to the government's ability to do anything well. She knows the ability of her political party to make any good idea a boondoggle.


Congrats! The world needs more sites like this, and more people with his heart and caliber.

Roberta from>Medical Care Facilities


This is for StopUnum. Thank you for posting the link to Michael Moore's video.

I have relatives in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. My mother's side of the family immigrated to the U.S. from those countries during the mid to late 1800's through Ellis Island, by boat and train and on horseback back in the days when ladies rode sidesaddle.

My mother's brother lives on the 800-acre plot of land given to their family to clear and develop for logging, in the same house my mother was born in.

From what I know of Norway from my relatives, not having been there myself, that video paints an accurate picture.

Norway is not the United States. First and foremost, Norway is a country of white folks with jobs.

Did you see anyone in that video who wasn't white? An important scene missing from their part of the world is the hordes of uneducated, poverty-stricken immigrants illegally crossing the border about 30 miles south of where I live.

Norway goes to great efforts to maintain the quality and restrict the quantity of their immigrants. They recognize that they have limited resources and that to keep up the quality of life they enjoy, the restriction of immigration is an important factor.

I live in one of the areas of our country most strongly affected by illegal immigration and it bothers me immensely that the people who are here illegally get better health care coverage than my sister-in-law on disability. She paid into our system for years and now that she needs the same services she funded for the floods of people from the south, she can't even get enough money to pay for her drugs, let alone her lodging and food.

I personally will never support any universal health plan that isn't also accompanied by a strict immigration policy. I have compassion for those folks, but I just can't afford to take care of them and support my own family.


Two final comments and then I'll stop hijacking your blog. I don't feel comfortable posting all of this on my own blog for a number of reasons so I hope you'll forgive me.

  1. King-Drew: That place is a train wreck. I support shutting it down and directing their patients elsewhere, I personally am not sure that any amount of money can fix the place. But my view is branded as racist, a large number in the black community want that place to stay open at whatever cost and that's where they want to go. So whatever I guess.
  2. Regarding your "site where Americans are begging for help": I believe you're a smart person so I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you gave it a glance and didn't actually check any of the links. I actually looked at that site. I found:
    • A Muslim man living in Europe with mercury poisoning
    • A man in Romania needing surgery
    • A missionary family living in Mexico
    • A Lithuanian girl with AML
    • An intellectually challenged girl in Africa
    • A Ukranian woman with Hodgkin’s lymphoma
    • A Venezuelan girl injured by a drunk driver
    • A Biblical Prophecy / End Times site masquerading as a request for surgical expenses
    • Four pure spam sites
    • A man seeking funds to save his parents' miniature schnauzer
    • A man seeking funds for surgery for his golden retriever
    • A woman who classifies herself as a "cyberbeggar" seeking funds for Lasik
    There were plenty of other sites that were more legitimate, but based on the criteria some of those folks are using to ask for money, it occurred to me that maybe I'm missing a financial opportunity to help my own family.
But you don't have to make that point to me. If you'd wanted a list of sites of legitimate people asking for money for healthcare you should have just asked me, I could have provided a much better list. It occurred to me reading that list that I'm missing a financial opportunity to help my own family.

But we don't play that way. At Christmas my family gives us small gifts, the rest of the money goes to St. Jude, at our request.

Steven and I will be on the radio next Thursday helping our local country music station raise money for St. Jude. You want to make a real difference in the lives of really sick children, stop with the political rhetoric and send a check to St. Jude.

I personally guarantee that money will be used well no matter who gets into office.

OK, I'm done now.


Kathy, you are very welcome to hijack my blog from time to time to make me examine differing points of view. I feel this was a good exchange.

You're right, I didn't read but half a dozen or so of the "plights," and being a lazy person, I used it rather foolishly. I stand corrected.

It's interesting that you tie illegal immigration into your reasoning. It's a good point that needs to be examined. So let's do it.

I'll bring it to the front page by doing a blog posting on immigraton, legal, illegal, and otherwise. You have a distinctly different perspective than mine. Mine is enlightened and naive. The only illegal immigrants I know are Gay men living in San Francisco with their partners. I don't consider them to be an invading force, but I do think they are treated unjustly. You see hundreds and thousands of desperate people passing through your area, sometimes like locusts, consuming everything in their path.

Can any two people have a more disparate experience on the same subject?

I'll get busy and start writing.

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