Maggie has started yet another contest. One is supposed to look around their homestead, so to speak, and give it a clever name based on some characteristic. That's easy enough: I live on a freeway. While my bedroom looks out onto a normal residential neighborhood, my deck appears to sit in a plum tree that flowers late winter and whose leaves catch the sun so fiercely that you can understand why Moses might have thought the bush was on fire. For those reasons, if I called my place because of a proximity identity, I'd call it The Freeway Tree House. Not a bad name, but I like the one I chose several years ago based on a dream, Houston's Pig and Poodle Farm, if only in my dreams.
My back porch, only out here they call it a deck.
This is looking the other direction towards the freeway. As pretty as it is out here, unless you're deaf (which I am from living next door to a freeway), like I started to say, unless you're deaf, it's too noisy out here to truly enjoy. It's good enough for giving the smokers a place, and I grow a few herbs.
Don't get me wrong. I loves my home, but that doesn't mean I can't dream of quieter pastures, even if not greener ones. Wait! I've had an attack of rum induced brilliance. I'll call it the "It'll Do Freeway Tree House." It'll do until the P&P Farm becomes a reality.
Great name! I love it. :)
Posted by: Nancy, aka Bookfool | May 17, 2008 at 02:06 PM
And, you can shorten it to It'll Do! My G&T isn't for another 20 minutes, but even without the aid, I love twirling It'll Do. ;D
Okay, so I'm off to read the HP&PF dream, but I would rather be lulled to sleep by a freeway than pacing b/c of the pig smell. You might want to rethink while you drink...
Posted by: maggie | May 17, 2008 at 02:41 PM
Well, I have to say I prefer the HPPF name but can understand why IDFTT is more practical. But if I found a book titled HPPF, I'd be sure to buy it as I'm always lured by a great title.
Posted by: Patti | May 18, 2008 at 12:22 PM
The book's going to be called Houston's Pig and Poodle Farm or How I Got to Where I Was Without Knowing I was Going There, but until we get there, I'm taking Maggie's suggestion as though it were an oracle: From now on the homestead is going to be called "It'll Do."
Posted by: Houston Bridges | May 18, 2008 at 12:41 PM
After two days of city traffic sounds I'm always ready to head back to the occasional tractor and crop duster sounds in the country. I like your Homestead Name.
Posted by: Brenda | May 19, 2008 at 09:15 AM
I ordered SWISH for our college library and left a message on the post, but it said the comments were not allowed. That's why I'm here on this post. Anyhoo, let's see if it makes the cut?!? :D
Posted by: maggie | May 23, 2008 at 09:30 AM