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Member since 05/2004

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Unfortunately I had class today so I was unable to go to the rally.... glad to see we were well represented!!! :)


I just noticed the subliminal message communicated by my license plate number. Hmm.

Wish you could have made QGB. There was some good energy generated. You know, for not having a Gay Czar in charge of framing issues in the GLBT community, all of the speakers were on point, and the point was No one is to blame. No group. Not even us for not having a stronger clue when we started. Not Blacks because they voted 70% to strip us of a basic, fundamental civil right. Not Mormons, even though they gave $30 million dollars to the Yes on 8 campaign. They need to be educated, not attacked. We're talking individuals here, not the Mormon Church or businesses that donated large sums of money. They're still fair game. Not Catholics, just their hierarchy. Bishops are fair game. Those who are Gay are going to find it very difficult staying in their eccliastical closets. We will find them and expose them.

Saturday's demonstration was more of a "feel good" rally. The organizers thought it was a demonstration of the power of Facebook. I'm not so sure. I think it's more about the how the Internet is coming into play in politics.

The most powerful statement about the rally on Saturday is the fact that it was built from the ground up.

We're winning this struggle.

fragile industries

Aww, sweetie, one of the things I love about you is you say what you think. Doesn't mean you won't think twice. And I love you even more for that.

By the way, any notable responses to your sign?


love the outfit, gorl.


Dennis! I've missed you. Welcome back to my world.

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