Apparently the Gay community in this country is going bat-shit crazy because Rick Warren, the right-wing homophobic evangelical ego-maniacal con-artist has been invited to speak at the inauguration. Oh, but wait, Mr. Bridges, Warren hasn't been invited to speak, he's been invited to pray. Does that mean he's going to make like a good Christian and go pray in his closet out of our sight and sound? After all, isn't that how Jesus said it should be done? Or is Warren a self-professed hypocrite, the kind Christ warned us about? Damn, that's a tough one.
Okay, I for one am not getting hysterical and screaming about how victimized I am by this deliberate slap in my face by the newly-elected Obama even before he becomes President. Still, small ouch. Rick Warren is a lying, conniving con-artist. He now wants to go mainstream. I'm disappointed that Obama has given him cover, even such a tiny amount. That does not make me hysterical. Prior to blogging about it, I have joined in several conversations on other blogs. I believe we have not only the right to speak out and call that smarmy son-of-a-bitch an ignorant liar, we have an obligation to do so, lest reasonable people be taken in by his shit. Okay, I concede my last sentence sounded a bit angry, but it's not. It just sounds that way. Just like Warren's comparison of same-sex marriage to child exploitation and bestiality only sounded like he was comparing same-sex marriage to bestiality and young girls being forced to marry old men.
I can't help but think it's a deliberate act to signal the very angry Gay community that Obama does not share our feelings on a lot of subjects. He lost nothing in the passage of Prop. 8. Remember, he stated very unequivocally at Warren's church that marriage was between a man and a woman, which subsequently was used in a campaign by the Yes on 8 people, as everyone in the entire fucking world who heard him say it knew it would! He very quietly said, or at least his campaign said -- I never heard him say it -- that he was opposed to Prop. 8. I'm sure he did, I just never heard him say it.
Obama is not an enemy of Gays and Lesbians, but I'm not all that sure he's a friend just because he's not an enemy. We prioritize differently and we have different agendas. I believe that we Gays will benefit exponentially from the Obama presidency. If he is able to reverse the ebbing tide of our nation's financial woes, our boats will be lifted as quickly as will the boats of others. If he is able to turn the government into an effective tool to counter global warming, Gay interests are just as strongly served. If he can deliver on universal health care, Gay interests will be extremely well served.
Now, back to the Gay Agenda. Listen up, Mr. Obama, you do owe the Gay community something a little more tangible than veto-rights to the preachers at your Inauguration. You owe us a repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell. That's nothing but mean-spirited bigotry. You owe us leadership on the Same-Sex Marriage issue, even if you're not very comfortable with the subject. The Christianists are not being honest when they same they're fighting for the sanctity of marriage. You should ask them to join you in a national campaign to get the states to provide civil partnerships for same-sex couples. For the sake of fairness, ask them to help you make it fair for same-sex couples.
Yeah, like that's going to happen. Anyone else besides me notice that the same ones who are so vehemently opposed to same-sex marriage are the same ones waging the war against abortion? If they were just anti-abortion you'd think they'd want to eliminate the need of unwanted pregnancies by advocating birth control, but you'd be wrong. You'd also think they'd be pushing universal health care for pregnant women and children to reassure young pregnant women that they won't have to worry about taking care of their children, but again, you'd also be wrong.
I'm just pointing out that the people who are so hysterical about same-sex marriage happen to be the same people who are so militantly anti-abortion, anti-birth control, anti-universal health care, etc. And by the way, Rick Warren is firmly in that anti-camp. He's anti everything except seconds when he's feasting on either food or publicity. And here I thought gluttony was one of the seven deadly sins.
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