I pay $4.95 a month for the privilege of not blogging on any sort of regular basis at this blog address. If I'm not going to be any more serious than that, I'm wasting my money. With that in mind, I'm going to be migrating back to my original blog address using Blogger. When I switched four or so years ago, Typepad had certain features not available on Blogger, but now the situation is switched and you can actually do more on Blogger than Typepad. I have three other blogs on Blogger, so I'm comfortable going home, so to speak.
Of my several blogs, the one which has given me the most satisfaction has been My Mother's People. Check it out. I recently uploaded my first YouTube video. It's a slide show of family pictures set to the music of Hershel Frazier, one of my distant cousins. He wrote a song called "I'm a Redbone." It's as hokey and country as they come, and I am so very proud of it, of Hershel, of my family, and of the success of our efforts to build positive associations around the word Redbone. Anyways, check it out.
In my California reality, I'm sitting on the edge of my seat, just like the rest of the word, waiting and watching and hoping as Barack Obama becomes President. The closer he gets to the job, the more ridiculous the current President looks. What an idiot. Isn't it a shame the way Bush-Cheney and their Republican fellow travelers have totally screwed us these past eight years? AND NOBODY'S GOING TO FUCKING JAIL! I'm as embarrassed as I am ashamed. We allowed them to duck responsibility for 911 happening on their watch. We allowed them to wage an unnecessary war in Iraq which caused untold misery on the Iraqi people, not to mention putting us into half-a-trillion dollars in debt, just as the world's economy went to hell in a hand basket. AND NOBODY'S GOING TO JAIL! What's up with that?
Good luck, Mr. President-Elect. I should warn you, however, that the Republican Party is a collection of scumbags who really, really want to see you fail. They would rather see the country disintegrate than to see you succeed. Trust me on this one: they're a bunch of fucking creeps. Also watch your back because the Democrats aren't much better.
Anyone suffering from the recession? I have a few friends who are newly unemployed. My employer asked us to take a voluntary unpaid furlough day each month for the next six months, but if California doesn't get it's financial house in order -- I may find myself working for I.O.U.'s. I'm not sure if my bank will "loan" me the money to pay my mortgage, utilities, taxes, etc. Once before we were paid with I.O.U.'s and some banks "cashed" them, so to speak, but that was back in the day when bank's routinely extended credit to the state, knowing they were good for it and all. Now, who knows?
We are all in this together. Obama gets that. What a relief after eight years of assholes like Bush and Cheney. Still, you know what I find absolutely incredulous? Knowing what we know about Bush and his cronies, our Democratically controlled Congress immediately gave a TRILLION dollars to Bush crony, Sec. of the Treasurer Paulson just because he jumped up and down and said the sky was falling! And we didn't even tell the son-of-a-bitch to save his receipts, and have stupidly accepted his disclaimer that he didn't even keep the canceled checks.
God save us. Don't count on it though. I have it on good authority that God is an overweight Black Lesbian who is totally pissed off at us.
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